

  • Awesome way to look t it! I'm against anti carb diets too! Low fat, high fibre and protein diets FTW!
  • Time to let him go... If you hate that he doesn't support your wish to live a healthy and fit lifestyle than its obvious he doesn't respect you. I had this exact same situation in my last year of high school/first year at uni. I did love my bf at the time however his constant nagging of me "dieting" made me step away from…
  • Soooo true. I used to look at myself and think... 'my thighs barly touch... So They can't be THAT big' (most of my weight goes to my thighs... But there we go... I must just have wide hips. :) because I wouldn't really call my thighs skinny.... They're just wider apart. Haha
  • If its for a short period of time I don't see anything wrong with it. :) however it might be better to juggle between 1000 calorie days and 1200 calories days... From my experience, i used to be 66kg... And I dropped down to 50 over a 6 month period. (mind you I wasn't in the healthiest of mindsets... My parents and…