

  • I started mfp back in January of this year. I procrastinated way to long! I just started being 100% devoted to mfp. I'm real good with motivation for everyone else its just hard to motivate myself lol. If any one wants a new frind send me a request!
  • I've never heard about the drinking baking soda. I bet that does taste aweful. Another thing I did after I quit just to try and help out was I always carried a pack of mints. I honestly think that it helped a lot too. One mint... about 5 mins.. one cigarette about 5 mins. So thats one other thing to think about for a…
  • I used to smoke 1 1/2 to 2 packs a day. I had heard about chantex is a prescription from the doctor. I read the side affects and heard different reviews about it. I smoked from the time I was 16 until Dec. 20th 2010. I'm only 24 but I took it for the first week and you can smoke with it and it comes in a 2 month supply and…