kristinL16 Member


  • I've not tried it the way you are planning, but I started the 5:2 diet a few weeks ago and have done fairly well with it. On my fasting days I ate about 550-600 calories spread throughout the day. On the other days I kept my goal at 1400 (was not losing at 1400 without the fasting days). I don't think I could do it the way…
  • I will be 38 next month. When I started MFP I was about 5 months post partum after having my 4th child. I had my calorie goal set at 1700. I lost about 20 lbs then stopped logging last summer and fall. I maintained during that time. Started back up again in January and was not losing at 1700. Dropped to 1500 and then 1400.…
  • I have heard that it is usually about 10-15 lbs per size. I am short, so 10 lbs is about right for me. Depends how the pants fit in the first place. :)
  • As far as I know, you can eat whatever you want on fasting days as long as it fits within your calories. I try to load of on nutrient rich, low calorie foods (chicken, veggies, etc) and lots of water. I assume the ICE drinks are calorie free?
  • Sounds good.
  • Thanks. Last night around 5:00 I started feeling pretty poorly. I was feeling sluggish (cognitively and physically) and light headed. I thought I may actually pass out (not being dramatic with that statement). It came on pretty suddenly and I was with a client so could not eat at that time. Next time I will leave more days…
  • My DH used to love that show. It makes me want to vomit. All of the food looks the same color (fried) and just nasty. It grosses me out to see them trying to stuff that much into themselves during the food challenges. It's enough for me to not want to eat anything.
  • At your height and weight I would say you are probably skinny. Whether you are "skinny fat" or not would depend on your body fat percentage, etc. I wouldn't focus on losing weight, instead focus on building muscle and reducing body fat (if anything).
  • Ok, so the other day (my first fasting day) I was really not hungry at all and felt fine. Today I have eaten the same things (although I guess I did eat a little less of the soup I had for lunch) and right now I feel really lightheaded and seriously thought I was going to pass out for a few seconds (am still at work so no…
  • I'm only on my second fasting day, but here is what I have had on fasting days so far. I did go over 500 cals by a little but am ok with that. I'm breastfeeding a toddler. Not really worried about my milk supply at this point but thought I may need more cals because of it. I also ate quite a few veggies so was fine with…
  • I just started the 5:2 plan and am on my second fasting day. I am wondering if there are any "rules" (written or unwritten) about how many days are in between fasting days?
  • I spend most of my workout around 3.5 or 3.6 mph. I vary the incline. I also run for a minute or two at a time to increase my heart rate. I am only 5' tall and honestly don't know how I could walk much faster than I do. When I watch what others have their treadmills set at (at the gym) my legs are often moving faster than…
  • I know you don't want to count calories, but I would try it at least for a short period of time to see where you are at now that you are eating differently. For a week or so log everything you eat religiously. Like someone else said, you must be at your maintenance intake right now. If you find that you are eating, say,…
  • I am nursing my 4th son who is 17 months old. I had a hard time nursing my first (he would just scream and scream and not latch) so I pumped exclusively for 9 months. With my second, I nursed until he turned three. At that time I was pregnant with my third and it was a good time to stop. I nursed my third son until he was…
  • The pre-packaged packets that are already flavored often have additives that are not that healthy for you, but the oatmeal has a lot of nutrition benefits--no matter how it is cut (steel cut, quick cooking, instant, etc). It is cheaper and healthier if you make your own add-ons but there are some brands out there that…
  • I'm confused. What do you consider to be "healthy"? You are going to get different answers from different people What do you want to accomplish? In what ways do you think either of those "plans" will benefit you? I would do some research on both and figure out which you think will work for you. Also, going gluten free is…
  • I have only had my Fitbit for a few weeks so am new to this, too. I wish there was more info on how they calculate calories burned, etc. Anyway, I knew that I was pretty inactive most days (especially days I work) but feel like a sloth when I see my steps as only 2,000-3,000 on those days. I am trying to be more active to…
  • I personally don't think your weight loss is out of line given that you gave up sugar and sweets for lent. Some people notice a lot of weight loss quickly when giving up sugar. If you are concerned that you aren't eating enough due to grieving/depression then follow the suggestions given here.
  • I've been working on this as well but have not been very successful. I decided to gradually reduce the amount that I drink but then on the day that I was supposed to have none I had a REALLY hard time with it. Doesn't help that my 16 month old who normally doesn't sleep through the night has been sick so sleeping even…
  • I am trying to reduce the chemicals in our food as well. I have not done everything all at once in terms of dumping everything that doesn't fit my rules, but when I buy new items I look even more carefully at the label. From what I have read/heard, eliminating HFCS and partially/hydrogenated oils is a good place to start.…
  • Mine is currently public but I have been debating about making it private again for awhile. I have been struggling and not making the best choices. I find myself sometimes not wanting to log it because then others could see what I have been eating (food guilt). That isn't going to help me lose weight but being honest with…
  • I have conflicted feelings on this topic. When Dr. Oz was on Oprah weekly I really liked him. I thought he had a great way of explaining things that people could understand and was knowledgeable about the topics being discussed. When he wrote "You on a Diet" his advice was user friendly and down to earth. However, once he…
  • I started last month and did well the first two weeks but have slacked off the last two weeks. Did level 2 this morning. Would love to be in the group!
  • alibur--good luck! I hope you got some helpful information from the nutritionist. Just remember that it is normal for our bodies to have problems with insulin resistance as the pregnancy progresses, despite our best efforts to change our diet. My providers told me that they did not want me cutting carbs out completely and…
  • I think there is more information out there now regarding how many more calorie a pregnant woman should eat than a non-pregnant woman. However, there are a lot of people (pregnant or not) that don't know how many calories they should be (or are) eating to begin with so how does "eat an extra 300 calories" correlate to…
  • That is great that you were able to stay fit while pregnant. Not everyone is able to exercise at that level during pregnancy for health reasons. It sounds like your coworkers are not all that careful about what they are eating while pregnant, but that isn't the case for everyone.
  • I agree that ideally, women would eat only clean and healthy foods during pregnancy and gain the recommended 25-35 lbs (since, of course, they would all be at a perfect weight to start with) but that is not realistic. I also agree that gaining too much weight during pregnancy and being overweight to start with has been…
  • I tried a bunch of different homemade protein bars (many by Dashing Dish) and they were disgusting. There were some chocolate muffins that were great the first time I made them but the next two times were inedible, even though I couldn't figure out how I had done anything different. I also tried some chickpea brownies that…
  • I've done WW a few times. I haven't seen a points limit of 20 for a long time. I think now the lowest they give is 26. However, when I first did WW 10 years ago they had a points range. Mine was 18-23. Then they got rid of the range and made it a set goal but added the weekly points. I think the lowest then was 20. When…
  • Have you done WW? Much of this is not true. Yes, they do have their own foods that you can use if you want, but in no way does WW teach you to rely on their foods for weight loss. They also do more education regarding healthy food guidelines than MFP does. Yes, you can learn from others here but MFP itself doesn't educate…