imma_free_girl_baby312 Member


  • Itsmaymee: Temptation sucks!! lol but i always say i WILL NOT beat myself up anymore for slipping i'd rather slip and get back on it the next day then slip and never do it again! Thanks for the tip!
  • Thanks Bull! that makes alot of sense! im gonna go to the bathroom right now and right something on the mirror!
  • oh thats why im so glad i dont have kids yet! i would buy all the candy that I would like so i could eat it! lol Well thanks for the add, i know its hard and scary getting into this but if you make it you "bible" and you it all the time you will be and do great! Im so excited to see your progress and how you do! im here…
  • i hear ya girl!! i do the same thing EVERY year during the holidays! i have alot more to lose but hey we are all on this journey together! feel free to add me and we can be support for eachother! That goes for everyone else too!!