Dean22268M Member


  • Great job!!!I still have over 50 to lose.I have been trying for 2 weeks and have lost 4 lbs.I told myself this is the year to get read of it!Well I hope u add me,it sounds like u would help me out.Maybe I will hear from u soon.Have a great day!
  • Hi.Just wanted to say I may not have a pic yet but I am also a female I am in my 40s and trying to lose over 50 lbs.I am on here everyday putting in my food and stuff so maybe we can help each other.I am a picky eater so it is kind of hard to eat right.But I have lost 4 lbs and I started Jan1 so maybe I am not doing too…
  • I still have 51 lbs to lose.I started Jan1 and have lost 4 lbs so far.I changed my eating habits and started walking.I am glad they have people on here to talk to.Somedays u need a little help from someone who is in the same boat.I hope to hear from anyone.Have a great day!