

  • Maggie if you don't mind me asking was it a certain type of lotion you are using? Was it a "lotion" or "cream" (my husband says I have an obsession with lotions I use a differnt kind of every part of my I have ALOT of flabby skin and all the drs are saying plastic surgery (which I do not want) I have back…
  • Welcome... I had my GB Jan 19, 2011 and to date I have lost 114#, I will be here if you need to talk, vent, cry or whatever I can do to help... VR Tammie
  • Hi here is my 2 cents worth...I had gastric Bypass (Jan 19, 2011) I have 20 lbs (drs. estimate) of flabby/excess skin, everything depends on your genes. My excess skin will NEVER go away no matter how much water, exercise, toning I do, the only option is surgery which as we know is cosmetic and insurance does not pay for…
  • Marcy, Congrats on making the decision to have the surgery, I was a 4 pack a day smoker when I decided to have the surgery, when the Dr. told me he would not even talk to me unless I quit (Military DRS.) I threw away a pack that I had just paid $4.59 for and have not touched them since. Previously I tried Chantix (bad bad…