

  • SW: 160lbs CW: 157lbs GW: 120lbs Age: 23 Years Sex: Female Height: 5"1 Anyone can give me a add if you like, love meeting new people and finding it better having the help and support of you guys :D
  • Hiya :D WOW 4 stone, well done you, that is inspiring to say the least! Have you lost the 4 stone since being on here from the beginning? I truly think this site is gonna help me at long last, and make me succeed where I have failed in the past. Hope to speak to you some more x
  • Hi Karla :) Goodness we sound very similar, both 23, both around the same height and weight and both with little girls! I want to get down to around that weight too, it is what I was used too before falling pregnant and these past few years. Gonna add you now hun, hope to speak to you some more :) x
  • Pictures are a nightmare for people who aren't happy with the way they look. They have been the cause of self loathing from time to time, let me tell you! I know exactly what you mean, I have a three year old daughter so exercising is out of the question until she has gone to bed most of the time which is a nightmare as…
  • Hi Jackie :) . So sorry to hear you had a long term illness, I don't know what it was but sounds horrible. But glad to hear you have recovered :) ! You sounds like you have some proper motivation there, that's great! 2012 shall defiantly be both of our years, I hope to speak to you some more on here :) x
  • Hiya Lora :) , Sounds like you are off to a good start, my calorie intake for this app is 1,200 a day too, how are you finding it? I'm not finding it as hard as I thought I would seeing as I must have been on about 2,000 plus calories a day. I think to get slim and keep at that weight you need a permanent healthy eating…
  • Hi Sherry, thanks for replying :), We sound a bit similar in our vices, I too love sweets could get through loads but replacing them with fruit instead. I think with me the main thing is losing the weight for my health and peace of mind, plus I hate seeing pictures of me from a night out as there is no "good angle", the…