

  • This is a great Cool Whip Pie Graham Cracker Pie Shell 1 Tub of Cool Whip 1Tablespoon of Lemon Juice 2cans of light crushed pineapple 1 Bag of Frozen Strawberries 1 Tablespoon of Splenda 2 Small container of Strawberry Yogurt Mix all ingredients together and pour in pie shell&refrigerant over night Yummy! :)
    in Desserts! Comment by sonikaj May 2012
  • Hello Faye,I'm not from the UK but would love for you to add me also. I am not new to this site either but had a lot of life changes and could use a lot of motivation to get back on track with losing my weight also.I now have downloaded the "APP" to my phone and will try this again. I hope you are having a great day…