

  • Also, you can start your own challenge with friends, and you can choose any amount. There are other groups that have more or less amounts to start. You can also choose to donate your money to a charity of your choice. Cant wait to get started!
  • I do crossfit and LOVE it! We have alot of awesome trainers though. They are HUGE on form and safety. They float back and forth during the WOD and are on it with form. We usually have 2-4 or more trainers on the floor, and they are familiar with all of us and our abilities. My fitness level skyrocketed since I started…
  • I would say I have to agree. I know that there are people who need to keep thier blood sugar stable and need meds that require food. But the average healthy person, I believe can live without breakfast.
  • I like fat free feta on tons of stuff even burgers. Also they sale a veggie shredds and slices you get used to.
  • Crossfit! Its intense, but they can scale it to your ability, and you will be addicted in no time!