rogerswm Member


  • 1200 for women...1800 for men..I am a man - and MFP has my net goal at 1480. My BMR as calultated by MFP is 1777 based on my input. I have e-mailed MFP and will post a response by them one received. I input all data and activities levels correctly. Something is wrong with the calculation - IMHO - if a site is postitioning…
  • These are the choices to select from below and sedentary best descibes my job type. My MFP calculated BMR is 1777 but to lose 1.5/week (I need to lose 46 more) it has me at a net calorie goal of 1470! Well Below the BMR of 1777. Sedentary: Spend most of the day sitting (e.g. bank teller, desk job) Lightly Active: Spend a…
  • According to the above : 1800 -500 (1 lb/week loss rate) = 1300. 1300 -500 (exercise burn) = 800. If you eat 1800 back thats a total of 2600 net calories for the day... Not sure about that being a pound a week loss. The main point I was making was that MFP calculated my maintence rate (based on selecting sedintary activity…
  • Hi, Yes I'm going to start some of my own tweaking as I have plateaued now for 2 months and stuck at 204.4. Did have some good holiday food though but perervered and stayed mainly on track. I'm going to use the BMR calculation as my baseline - then pick a moderately active multiple and then subtract 750 from that. That…
  • EXACTLY !!!!!! Which is putting me at 1,480 net calorie goal which is below my BMR of 1,777 calories ( in a coma ) -calculated using the MFP BMR calculator. - Whcih I am told a net calorie intake of less than your BMR is NOT recommended by any fitness site.
  • Thanks again for all the input. I have gone to sites which say for my stats i should weigh somewhere between 158-164, which I did weigh a few years back before my back issue and operation. Currently I weigh 204.4 so to get to my "ideal wieght" I'd have to drop another 46 or so pounds. I really didnt think that a 1.5 pound…
  • I posted the same question elsewhere and never really did get a good answer. I think MFP should address this for us detailed curious folk. My BMR at the MFP calculator page says 1,777 YET my calorie goal with all my parameters and activity level set to sedentary and 1.5 pound weight loss per week is 1480. Hmmmmm.
  • Thanks folks... My weight loss goal had been set at 1.5 pounds per week. Also I mentioned that I wasn't considering tdee- only interested in the MFP BMR calculator vs. the net calorie goal set for me. The calorie goal assigned is lower than the BMR number. Thanks again.
  • I'm sorry, didn't see the answer to my question in your response. Last call for help. Why does MFP have my calorie goal well below BMR? BMR (St. Jeor) = 1786 MFP calorie goal = 1480 I chose sedentary as I have desk job..I do move. But figure if I use sedentary and the add calorie burn later it should be more accurate than…
  • W V, Thanks for your insight. However the Question remains: Why is MFP putting me at a calorie goal below BMR if going under BMR isn't recommended? Thanks!
  • I too would like some clarification on this topic. I have searched and almost found the correct answer. Maybe can get some help here. I updated my goals since i have lost 14 pounds. Current Stats: 47 y/o Male 5'8" Current weight: 206.5 pounds MFP calculated BMR = 1786 MFP Net Calorie Goal / Day = 1480 I am not including…