

  • I think being aware what is going in my mouth has been a great help to me. I now work out 6 days a week and I feel great. Cutting back on the drinks alone have been such a help. I don't want to work my butt off at the gym and waste my calories on a soda !
  • I gained 10 lbs over July 4th weekend and I hated myself for it ! I beat myself up as well , had a good cry , then brushed myself off and got back on track. I joined MFP July 5th and feel like a new person. I love that I have to be accountable and keep track of what I'm putting in my mouth . For the first time I feel like…
  • I don't mind my two worlds coming together. Now that all of my friends are aware of my life change they are so encouraging ! I love that my progress gets updated of Face-book. I want to fear the guilt of falling of track. I'm not going to fail this time and I want everyone to know it !
  • I think allot of us have hated pictures that we have been in. My husband posted some pics on facebook of me with our children and I wanted him to deleate them . How sad is that ! That is when I decided to make a change. No more starving myself, yo yo diets or binge eating . This time I'm changing my life and it feels so…