

  • Thanks so much, jenwarship! I am just finishing up my first two weeks and I LOVE IT! I am addicted to it and it's the first time, during any workout program, that I've actually looked forward to each night. Of course, I am sore, but it's getting better.
  • Congratulations to you! That's very exciting! Mine is tonight and I am looking forward to it. :)
  • Hey there! I'm starting Farrell's tonight and wondered if you found a good method to track your calories burned? How's your 10-week program been going?? Good results? I'd love to hear more!
  • Hey there! I am starting Farrell's tonight - looking forward to it! How have you been doing this session? Great results? I'd love to find more peeps on here who are doing the same program. :)
  • Hey there! I start my 10-week challenge for the first time this evening. Super excited! How are you logging your workouts since it's not just straight kickboxing? Have you found any magic number to log your calories burned?
  • Hello all! We just found out New Year's Eve morning that we're pregnant with our second child! And thought I'd join this thread so that I could get to know other women that are also committed to remaining fit and healthy during their pregnancy. During my first pregnancy I gained a lot of weight and was not healthy. Over…