

  • Hello everybody, I have to go, but thanks for your tips! I really appreciate them and I think I should really put them into use. :smile: Thanks everybody! You are all so supportive! :flowerforyou: It really encourages me to fight of these unhealthy pounds. I'll exercise! Eat healthy! And drink lots of water!!! :drinker:…
  • Thanks for the good tip! :happy: I think this is what I did wrong; I just jumped on my bike and pedaled fast, without thinking if my body can bear it. Thanks! :happy: :happy:
  • I'm actually longing for the day that I would actually like working out. Now it's just purely ....umm... tormenting for me. But I won't give up! And people tell me that it will feel invigorating once I get used to it. :smile: Based on your posts, maybe I'll just start with brisk walking, then extend the time in doing it,…
  • sorry sorry sorry, I totally messed up on that quote thing! :embarassed:
  • Really? I would also love to try swimming! I am also thinking of taking up swimming classes (I don't know how to swim! :embarassed: ) and other sports that I think is suitable for me, but I think I should first get used to always working out. Haaaah... I can do this!!! :bigsmile:
  • Hello everybody! It's so good you're all so friendly here! :heart: Well, I tried cycling, but as I have said I got really tired, it's like my heart is going to burst. So I tried brisk walking instead, something which I think is easier but I still got really exhausted. :frown: It's so encouraging to hear that you can now do…
  • Hello everybody, I am new here! :happy: I just want to ask a question. I am not really the sporty type, and it is my first time to attempt to exercise in a long period of time. Problem is, on the first 5 minutes of my exercise, I already feel tired, and I run out of breath. Before, I thought I will find it harder to…
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