

  • Thanks for your responses. I like to track water because it forces me to drink more. I always thought I was a big water drinker until I started keeping track. I find I drink far less than I had imagined. (Though to be fair, I count every glass I drink as 1 cup, and I'm pretty sure there is more than a cup of water in each…
  • Heh. Now I feel like a jerk because I just stated in another thread that I plan to start the Insanity DVD workout my husband bought on Monday. Though in my case, I was actually totally serious when I said that, and I may, in fact, start Sunday. Right I'm working on a massive deadline so starting it today is out. Actually,…
  • My mom used to say some horribly mean things to me growing up. She'd call me Thunder thighs... or a common thing any time she saw me eating a snack was, "Why don't you just apply that directly to your hips?" The irony? My mom is morbidly obese and I was 115 lbs and rail thin. Looking back now, I think she was just…
  • What's up with all these wine snobs poo-pooing free wine? Jeez, some of the best wines I've ever had were inexpensive or complimentary. Furthermore, I've paid a lot of money for expensive wines only to find they tasted like garbage. Expensive doesn't automatically mean good, and economical doesn't automatically mean bad.…
  • Anything that tastes sweet. I hate sweet food. I like salty, spicy, savory or bitter. But sweet? Revolting.
  • I love wine so I'd be all over that offer. Since you don't drink too often, I'd say go with the Champagne. Even if you don't like it (though I think you will) you can always mix it with OJ and make a Mimosa cocktail. Yum.
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