Sairasac Member


  • FIT Test 3 (02/05/12) Switch Kicks = 78 Power Jacks = 54 Power Knees = 84 Power Jumps = 34 Globe Jumps = 9 Suicide Jumps = 14 Push-up Jacks = 23 Low Plank Oblique = 78
  • I finished my first month on Friday....I'm happy with the way I look but I'm concerned that I've only lost 2 lbs! I lost an average of 1-1.5 lbs a week on TurboFire. I am fitting into clothes I never thought I'd look good in but I would like to see results on the scale as well. Did anyone have the same experience? Please…
  • FIT Test 2 (01/15/12) Switch Kicks = 53 Power Jacks = 50 Power Knees = 79 Power Jumps = 28 Globe Jumps = 8 Suicide Jumps = 13 Push up Jacks = 24 Low Plank Oblique = 60
  • FIT Test 2 (01/15/12) Switch Kicks = 53 Power Jacks = 50 Power Knees = 79 Power Jumps = 28 Globe Jumps = 8 Suicide Jumps = 13 Push Up Jacks = 24 Low Plank Oblique = 60
  • Congratulations on the baby! Don't be scared! just do it on your own pace....I did day 5 today which is the same workout as day 1 and I have to say I was really surprised at how much more I could do. It really is cardio conditioning. I'm looking forward to next week and seeing how much I progress in the next few weeks:)
    in Week 1 Comment by Sairasac January 2012
  • Good to hear others are doing it on their own pace too...I did notice that the people in the video were also taking breaks. This program is really well designed...I really needed the stretching of day 3, not that this was easy but it was still a much needed break for my sore muscles!
    in Week 1 Comment by Sairasac January 2012
  •'s going to get HARDER!!!!!? lol I think I may not have been ready for this workout because it seems other people are having better luck but I'm still going to muddle through because I really think I need this high intensity workout. Day 2 could've been easier if my body wasn't so sore. I was having a…
    in Week 1 Comment by Sairasac January 2012
  • look fabulous! I love seeing before and after pics makes me think I can do it too! Thanks and good luck!
  • Hi everyone, My name is Saira. I'm from Richmond, VA and have been doing TurboFire for the last 5 months. I am 27 and packed on a lot of 'grieving' weight after my father's death. I was NOT motivated when I started TurboFire but somehow got into it after the first HIIT workout. Since then, my life has changed completely…
  • I LOVE TurboFire!!! It has changed my life! I never thought I'd love working out like I do now and I never thought I'd be this fit. I've been doing the program for 5 months now and have just moved on to Insanity.
  • The FIT test wasn't undoable but tough. I was on the floor at the end and my legs were shaking long after the test. I'm scared for tomorrow's workout! Switch Kicks= 34 Power Jacks = 37 Power Knees = 62 Power Jumps = 20 Globe Jumps = 8 Suicide Jumps = 14 Push up Jacks = 18 Low Plank Oblique = 40