

  • I will pay the humaine society or SPCA for a pet..rescued cats are always so much nicer...My sister and an exboyfriend paid $200 for a kitten from a pet store...he seems pickier then other cats- like he knows he was a $200 cat... I pay for expensive nail polish because it last longer and this is cheaper then getting my…
  • I have a polar for years now that is super basic although it has more features then the ones I used 12 years ago when I was studying Physical fitness and is like half the price. I love it- it works well and the strap is comfortable to wear. when it dies- i will be getting another one. I had a timex one but i don't find the…
  • I feel that way about 5 guys burger and fries- 700 calorie burger so good...thank goodness for it being super pricey! I think sometimes when we start to diet or do a lifestyle change, we sometimes take it super seriously and forget that we need to some days throw the diet out the window and enjoy food despite what calorie…
  • I am also 5'10" and weight about 196 bls currently. But watch out- company play with sizing and it is not equal across the board. I have been a size 14 since I was 14 years old. (I have pretty much had the same body shape as well since 14. At Eddie Bauer in 2009, I was buying size 14 in my skirts but I had just bought…
  • i will add you. love running but i am not the best at it.
  • perhaps do measurement of your body to see what it is doing change wise. I find that losing weight off your hips or bust which seems to be the last to go and is the more difficult fat to get rid of. I get why it is hard to get rid of but still is frustrating. The other thing I have found as i am trying to lose weight is…
  • I was told my a friend if you place your thumbs on a sensor- you get a different pulse then if you just have hands. it was true. It depends on the informations you put in- you just take the basic average settings- it is not going to be the same as your actual weight. Also age of the machine matters as well as how often…
  • I don't own a polar ft7 but i own a polar fs1. I have worn it in the pool for lengths. i stopped due to concerns when it took 1/2 hour to drain all the water from the one button. I know you said something about burning 125 calories during your workout. you may also find your heart rate lower or different from a heart rate…
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