

  • I've been doing the 'shred' for a week it burns more calories in 20 minutes than any other exercise I've tried. I really like the way it's put together and it's not as knee destroying as some of Jillian's DVDs, so I highly recommend it.
  • Hi, my name is Brian. I am 39 and from Rugby in the UK, the home of the game of the same name. When I was young I was the picked on skinny kid, which triggered overeating which I've never managed to kick as an adult. I started on MFP in April at 270lbs and am currently at 251lbs. My goal is to break the ever elusive 200lbs…
  • I know the feeling I've lost nearly 20lbs and still have another 60 to go, it can get very intimidating and disheartening when you look at the bigger picture. I've been trying to focus on just the next five pounds and then the next and trying my best not to look at the big number on the scales but the small one it's come…
  • Welcome, I've sent you a friend request, feel free to pick on me too if you need a hand.
  • Welcome. I've been here for a couple of weeks and have found the tools and boards very helpful, I've sent a friend request, feel free to add me if you wish.
  • Hope you do well, I've only been on here seriously for a couple of weeks after joining months ago, so you are not alone in that boat. Feel free to add me as a friend anybody, the more friends, the more reason to keep coming back and stay on track that's what I say. Good Luck!