

  • Having the MFP app on my iPhone is a great help now and after using it everyday for 12 days already I think it will just become part of my daily routine. So I actually don't know! I don't think I'll stop the day reach my goal weight though!
  • Water or fruit teas. They are great as it tastes a little bit naughty and there are barely ANY calories in them. Raw carrots. Have a little lunchbox filled with raw cut veg such as carrots, peppers, cucumber etc. Healthy snacks! Good luck!
  • You've done fantastically well! I'm not being as strict on myself as you are! Maybe I need a kick up the backside!!
  • I should be eating around 1300 a day. It takes a long time to get used to it to be honest. A good tip is to drink a pint of water about 30 mins before you eat. Also, EAT SLOWLY. When I'm at work (I'm a teacher, so 5 days a week) I tend to eat one bowl of food over the 45 min break I have. I'm always talking to students and…