AriadneSnow Member


  • Week 6 Day 2 today. The run went much better today, it's funny how that can happen. During the final 10 minute run I was feeling so good I continued on and ran through the cool down period. Towards the end I had to run up a gentle hill, which was hard after a long run but I need to get used to that if I'll be running…
  • Another 4.5km doing C25K - Week 6 Day 2.
  • Did 4.5km today doing C25K W6D1 and a bit of extra walking. Hit goal!
  • I did Week 6 Day 1 earlier, it was okay. I probably ran aroung 5mph pace, it was a bit of a struggle on the lungs, that's definitely faster than I ran W5D3, hopefully running at that pace gets easier. It started raining heavily towards the end so I got soaked - that's the first time it's happened since starting the…
  • Thanks flabulous! I managed to do W5D3 yesterday - yay! I think I made a mistake running before dinner though, I usually run 1-2 hours after dinner - but it's getting darker earlier, so I thought I'd try before. I only had a light no-carb lunch and I really struggled. I forced myself to do it, mind over matter and…
  • Yet another 6.7km today - C25K and walking. Ran (very slowly) for 20 minutes without stopping for probably the first time in my life!
  • Is your pain caused by the piriformis muscle sometimes compressing the sciatic nerve or is it caused by the nerve being pinched by the spine?
  • Level 2 Day 4 - starting to see good results already, I've lost 4cm around my waist in the last 2 weeks. It's definitely the motivation I need!
  • Very interesting - the article backed up a lot of the things that I've learned on MFP. For example, that if you eat too little you'll plateau. I put all my measurements into the calculator and to lose the weight in the amount of time I want, I have to eat roughly the amount of calories I'm eating now. Very good to know!
  • It's been ages since I posted in the thread! I'm still doing this. I just did W5D2 of C25K and I'm up to Level 2 Day 4 of the Shred I think. Today felt great, I took the pace really easy and was able to do both 8 minute runs and on the last run I kept going all the way through the cool down period, so I ended up running…
  • Oh no! You'll be fine though. Just did Week 5 Day 2 - I took it really slow and was really pleased with the results. Both 8 minute runs were fine, and for the second run I decided to just keep going for as long as I could. So I ran all the way throughout the cool down period. I haven't managed to run for 13 minutes without…
  • Week 5 Day 2 done! I took it easy pace-wise and didn't have a problem. It was really hot all day but luckily it cooled down in the evening and a breeze came up. The first 8 minutes weren't a problem, so I was feeling confident and the second 8 minutes were fine as well - in fact I continued running throughout the cool down…
  • 6.7km today - C25K and walking.
  • L2D3 - I'm looking forward to when this level gets easier. It does get easier right?? Still, I'm seeing good results already. I'm going to practice planks even on days when I'm not doing the shred - I want to increase my shoulder/back/arm strength.
  • Those results are amazing Werglum! Did L2D3 tonight, it's definitely a step up from level 1. I've upped my weights to 3kg for the first two circuits (going back to 2kg weights for the third - I find the V raises really hard). I'm dying by the end, but that's good!
  • Just a brisk 4.5km walk today.
  • I did L2D2 yesterday - I moved up to 3kg weights (6.6lb) for most of the strength moves, but stayed with the 2kg for the last circuit. I tried as many of the advanced moves as I could, which wasn't many! I was just about ready to collapse at the end, I swear as I was finishing those plank twists at the end I was seconds…
  • I just did Week 5 Day 1, which for various reasons was a bit tougher than usual. There have been thunderstorms all day, and it's really hot and humid - plus I've been feeling a bit off all day, but a break in the weather meant I could give it a go. The second 5min run was hard, but the third run was easier as usual and I…
  • It sucks being sick, I hope you feel better soon. x
  • Another 4.5km today, Week 5 Day 1of C25K and a bit of extra walking at the end.
  • W4D3 done! I pushed myself a bit more and got even further than last time. I went at a pace of jogging that my body is comfortable with (instead of forcibly slowing myself down), I get virtually no leg pain that way. However by the end I was puffed out - my lungs aren't as fit as my legs! But I figure, it's by pushing…
  • Another 6.7km today - Week 4 Day 3 of C25K and some more walking afterwards.
  • I've just moved up to Level 2 - I had to do mainly the modified versions (especially for the plank poses, I hurt my left wrist doing push-ups on Saturday so didn't want to stress it too much). The first circuit was quite doable, but by the time the third circuit came around I was exhausted! My shoulders should be a lot…
  • Just did day 1 of Level 2 - phew! I had to do mainly modified moves, especially with all the plank positions, I hurt my left wrist on L1D10 when I tried to go too far down on the push-ups, so I don't want to stress it. It was tiring - as you'd expect it to be! Hopefully I'll get used to it after awhile just like level 1.
  • Just a 2.2km walk for me today. Half-way there!
  • That's awesome - how heavy are the wrist weights?
  • Well done! Good luck with next week. W4D2 for me today. I managed to go a bit faster, my legs weren't as sore as day 1 and my breathing wasn't as stressed towards the end. Had enough juice in the tank to pick it up on my last run and managed to get about 300m further than last time. I'm pleased with how this week has gone…
  • Just did W4D2 earlier, I picked up the pace a tad and managed to get about 300m further than Day 1. My legs felt better too (even going up the hill wasn't that bad), maybe because yesterday was my rest day though. The last run felt the best this time, half way through I picked up the pace again because I knew there wasn't…