JGT2004 Member


  • bump... been having a debate with myself on this recently
  • I've recently gotten hooked on Light Babybel cheese. The little cheese wheels are 50 calories and 6 grams of protein. I've been eating 2-4 a day for snacks.
  • Mashed avocado with ranch dressing & lettuce on toast. Yum! Also at Quiznos (haven't been in a while though) Wheat with turkey, lettuce, swiss cheese, pickles, and garlic powder (none of the oregano mix), and EXTRA Chipotle Mayo. Super spicy but ssssooooo good!:love:
  • bump for the HIIT schedule
  • Yeah for once maybe I'll be thankful I don't qualify!
  • bump for when I need a good laugh. Also I took my 1 "me-trip" a year.... just a 3 day weekend. Got back yesterday and my son told me "Mommy I missed you and love you but I almost forgot you"... he is 6. Glad I don't have to travel for work!!!
  • I've heard Jillian has said on a podcast that it was never meant to be 30 days straight. She suggested you do 2 days of 30ds and then rest a day and repeat. She said to do 10 days at each level, so it ends up taking longer than a 30 day period to finish but its still 30 days of exercising! I think it is all how you want to…
  • My favorites that I wrote on my fridge the other day: You can have results OR excuses, but not both. NOTHING tastes as good as skinny feels. The only workout you will regret is the one you didn't do!
  • I agree. I've started flipping through the meet me an figure that might get them to look at my profile. Then if they like what they see I figure they will message me. If not then oh well. I've notice the message flow has increased since I started this. :-)
  • I'm almost done with C25K and I was kind of thinking I would do it again from the beginning. This time I think I will run faster on the runs (closer to 6 mph than 5 and keep increasing the speed) and jog a little for the walking portions. I thought this might help me to increase my speed.... but I don't know. Haven't tried…
  • I hope she doesn't take it too hard. People need to realize how much just showing up can mean. My dad, step mom, and grandparents didn't bother to show up my graduation from my Masters program. Some of them came when I graduated with my Bachelors and their excuse was "Well at least we came to one and whats next? Your PhD?…
    in Wanna Vent? Comment by JGT2004 May 2012
  • "You think drinking protein shakes will help you lose weight? We give that stuff to the cows to help them bulk up!" - I'm actually drinking them to help me burn fat and gain muscle. But thanks Dad & Stepmom for making me feel like a cow! "You need to eat more real food. I'm tired of hearing all the time that all you & my…
  • Bump. I've definitely got a blob of fat sitting on my stomach that I would love to get rid of.
  • I think so.... and I'm not at all suprised!
  • There is a restaurant called the Heart Attack Grill. My brother had a double bypass burger and fries there. It is insane. http://www.heartattackgrill.com/ Also I think if you weigh over 300 lb your meal is free! Everything is FULL FAT, HEAVY CREAM, LARD. :sick: I think they only offer water because of a law. Edit: My…
  • As a parent I would say its not your place to say anything. You can be an example to them and maybe discuss their eating habits with them if the opportunity presents itself. But if they aren't eating healthy themselves I don't think they are even aware of what they are doing to their kids. And like others have said, you…
  • Hm I have NEVER heard the word amazeballs. I'm not really sure how you would use it correctly so I guess I won't be trying it out. Can't think of any that really annoy me at the moment. But I use the words ain't and y'all which some people get frustrated with.
  • Still trying to read through all the replies and I really didn't mean to hijack the thread! But the date I rescheduled was my 3rd date with the guy. We have been texting/talking every day a couple times a day for 2 weeks now. Since I was exhausted from a busy day on our 2nd date (ended the night at 12 instead of sticking…
  • I'm not expecting him to totally blow my mind. I don't know what I expect. My mom (who sometimes has decent advice) told me that if he wanted to stop seeing me and I really liked him. How I would be disappointed because I know the 1st 2 dates didn't really give him a chance to get to know much about me. So I need to give…
  • So excited to see this post. I have been on 2 dates with this guy and having a 3rd tomorrow. I can't pick any 1 thing but I just don't feel any spark with him and my gut is telling me it isn't going to turn into a LTR. He has been polite, well-mannered, funny, and I have geniunely enjoyed his company but I can't escape my…
  • Congrats! I just did W4d1 yesterday. Before hand I thought I was going to die and would never make it but it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected! I did manage to finish just kept telling myself its only so many minutes out of your life don't be a wuss and keep going. This is nothing in the long run. You can do it! haha.…
  • ^^^This. I right there with you sister! My sons "father" has been out of the picture since he was 3 months old. I don't get a night off. I am starting to date more now but some guys just don't understand. I know not everyone is open to dating others with kids (I personally try to avoid it as I come from a mixed family and…
  • I recently joined POF and just created a generic "Thank you for your interest but I do not think we would be a good match. Good luck fishing" message to reply to weirdos and those I immediately don't think I would click with. I have met 2 guys in person (after texting each for about a week). Guy #1 is fun and nice and we…
  • I'm kind of a plain Jane. No real hobbies but I like to try new things. Favorite activities: Reading Rollerblading watching Horror/Action Movies (love Starship Troopers & Daybreakers to name a few) going to craft shows, antique malls, and flea markets riding rollercoasters I also used to help my dad build hunting cabins…
  • I tried starting the 30DS on 3/1/12 and only made it about a week before my schedule got really hectic. I plan on starting it again monday. I never noticed any bloated look. And honestly it comes across like you are saying... "if something is hard its ok to quit and so whats the point? You should never try any thing…
  • Yeah thats what I was worried about. Never dated much and had only attempted online dating (Match.com and of course only 3 matches and all many states away :grumble: ). Talking to the guys it seems like the preference is to have a "quick" meet for drinks to see if you are who you say you are and if there is any potential.…
  • POF is awesome. Tons of people on there and it seems like some are actually normal! I accidentally double booked last tonight and was meeting 1 guy at 6:45 and another at 10pm but 10 pm cancelled so I could have hung out with guy #1 longer. We talked practically non-stop from 6:45 - 9:30! I am sort of double booked again…