awaywego1 Member


  • I am just in the process of coming off cymbalta-was on 90mg now on 20mg. Some of the side effects have been awful, but it has been made easier by reducing slowly recently. I dont think it effected my weight but i was getting some horrible symptoms-too much serotonin in my body i think and generally feeling quite unwell.…
  • Im 5'2", currently 131, started at 133 4 weeks ago. Eating around 1300 a day plus exercise-but due to health problems i have a very sedentary lifestyle so exercise is rare. I do vary my calories from day to day though to allow for meals out etc and i find this helps, i also try not to worry if i go over - as long as im…
  • CW-133 GW-121 I'm 5 2" and Female. I dont exercise regularly due to health problems, i have a very sedentary job (sitting), i do try to walk a little at weekends. I've been on 1200 for the past 2 weeks, i don't think its working for me, today i feel terrible-no energy, heavy limbs etc. I'm going to put my cals up a bit and…
  • We may be twins-ish :) CW-133 GW-123 Im 5.2 and 32. Sadly i dont really work out-but am working on that, have used MFP in the past but restarted a week ago, doing ok but not sure if i should be eating more TDEE rather than 1200.
  • I'm gluten intolerant and went gluten free around 6 months health problems have improved but i have put on weight (around 7 pounds)-and not due to snacking too much on GF produce i dont think-certainly didnt eat anymore of it that i used to of gluten filled produce and nothing since i gave up cake/biscuits for…