

  • 2 Quaker Rice Cakes (Tomato & Basil) - 100 cal Can fruit in light syrup - 100 cal blueberry yogurt drink- 80 cal Yummy
  • Hey Nicky - I would agree, but I got over it by working out everyday, come what may and it got easier and easier - within a few weeks I only feel revitalized after working out, rather than achy!!! Perseverence is the key!!!
    in hello Comment by sam1acey January 2012
  • Hi there, been a member of MFP for 3 and a bit weeks now. Joined as wanted to get healthy, had an office job for the last 4 years and sitting for all that time has taken its toll. As of 2012 I have given up smoking, started eating healthy and going to the gym everynight!! Hopefully I can reach my goal weight of around…
  • Hi everyone. I joined 2 weeks ago and love this Site. I am 5'7, I have lost over 6lbs since joining and am currently 149.4lbs. My goal weight is between 135 & 140lbs, going on the basis that I will know whats right when I get there!! I was around 130lbs over 7 years ago but was extremely fit and had an outdoor job, so not…