tamaranewman Member


  • NEVER too late! I am 55 years old, 5'2, at least 50-75 pounds overweight. LIfe long weight struggle and image issues with a sugar addiction thrown in! There is no magic here, just hard work both mentally and physically. It's worth it. Do all the things you have been hearing for years: journal your food, and move your body.…
  • I haven't read all of the responses to your situation so I may be repeating what someone has already said. Your partner is not food; food is not your partner. She is on her own journey. I think the important thing is to support each other in however you proceed. My husband is very supportive in my efforts but he will eat…
  • This is where we get tripped up...labeling ourselves "good" or "bad" by the food choices we make. You are not a bad person for wanting or eating a pizza. You are not good if you make an alternate better choice. Make your choice and deal with the consequences. Yep, if you eat that entire pizza you may gain and it may take…
  • It is wonderful and commendable that you want to get fit at any age. Coming from the advanced (!) age of 52, please remember that 40 is only a number. A goal is a necessary thing to work toward but sometimes I think we concentrate so much on the "event" that we set ourselves up for failure. I don't mean to put a damper on…
  • All the above food suggestions are great. Take it a step further (if you haven't already) and clean out your cupboards and lovingly suggest to your hubby no more chocolate! Plan out your meals and snacks in advance and post it to your food journal; that way your plan is right in front of you. Hang in there. The first week…