alliesamcat Member


  • I'd like to master crow pose and eventually do some type of headstand without wall assistance.
  • I could only run for 30 seconds straight when I first started. I would run 30 seconds and then walk 1 or 2 minutes to catch my breath. Slowly I started running 45 seconds and walking 1 minute and eventually 2 mins running and 30 secs walking. Build up gradually and you'll surprise yourself with your progress. I started…
  • I eat before, sometimes during, and after. I eat carbs and simple foods about an hour or two before my runs. Anything your body can digest easily is good. Depending on the length of your run, you may need to eat during (anything over 10 miles for me). In that case I consume gels or dried bananas. After I run I try to eat…
  • Can't wait to try paddle boarding!
  • I'm 5'2", 25 years old, and weigh 127 lbs. Size 8 bottoms, 4 to 6 in blouses. I like how my body looks now, just not crazy about my hips. I've always been a dramatic pear shape (hence the clothing sizes). I'd like to lose a little down there to be less pear-like and more athletic like. I think my toned, more athletic body…
  • 5'2" here. At my heaviest I was 159 (2007, then down to 121 in 2008 and back up to 145 in 2010), and now I'm at 127.5 I'm taking it a little at a time to see how my body evolves with running and circuit training, although I think that based on my frame size I would like to be around 115.
  • You rock!! Keep up all the hard work and throw the damn scale out the window!