dafleck Member


  • When I find myself free falling with eating I start inputting everything I eat, no matter how bad it is! Also, when I know I'm binging I try to remember how I stopped in the past. It's usually because I get busy with something, or just brushing my teeth helps! Just know you're not alone.
  • I know how you feel. I have done the same thing and felt the same way. What has helped me in the past was to get right back on the computer and be brutally honest with my food entries. I see my husband do this and it motivates me and helps me to get honest. There is something about typing it in, weighing myself in the…
  • We blend the Premier Protien Shakes from Costco with a banana, a cup of frozen strawberries, and 1/2 cup frozen blueberries. It you like it sweeter you can put some splenda in. It's delicious and the high protein count stays with me through the morning.