julrigg Member


  • Crush, not necessarily. Guys who I have added just so I can check out on the regular? Oh hells yeah! haha Then there are those guys who I just like to oggle but don't really care to friend request because they're probably straight...
  • I have the walmart starter brand compression shorts and they do an amazing job of wrangling the boys. But i also just bought some calvin klein workout trunks and they also do an equally good job. But the majority of time i wear the walmart ones because they are longer and i don't have to worry about my shorts falling down…
  • Bright Blue trunks with the word PAPI on white waistband right above my nether regions.
  • 23 add away!
  • Monfret Willy all the way
  • I was lucky in the fact that I have a very open family as well as an older brother who is also gay and sort of paved the way. With that said, I didn't come out until the age of 21 because I still had my doubts as to just how accepting my dad was. I'm my dad's only child, my other siblings have different dads, and I was…
  • Books: Man about town and a book/movie combo is Angels in America. I absolutely adore this movie and book. Movies: I second or third Latter Day Were the world mine-gay take on Midsummer's night dream. The Eating out series I find to be hilarious albeit very crude.
  • New friends and support are always nice! Please feel free to add.