

  • I am the same,Candice.. But I don't worry too much about it.. I wont change that part of me because there is nothing wrong with it,for me anyway.. As with me its not an every day thing so I am in control.. Every fortnight I even make one day where I do not diet.. I eat whatever.. I dont go overboard.. No.. But I have my…
  • Tiffany.. You don't sound needy at all.. Everyone needs support.. I know I sure as hell do.. I don't get much in my daily life from friends or family ..You've come to the right place for support.. :-)
  • When I used to go to the gym I was there for an hour,5 days a week. Now I walk 7 nights a week for 1.5 hours and do 30 minutes on the exercise bike also.. A few people tell me that more than an hour a day is bad?! But I guess it depends on ones health at the time and each person is different?! So at the end of the day it's…
  • Finally I got my profile up and running whooooooooooooo! I'm in Candice.. I'll weigh myself saturday and post my current weight. :-)