Flodoe Member


  • I love corn tortilla tacos, burritos, and rolups.I don't like sandwiches either. I like to prepare ahead marinated chicken , lean beef, or lean pork marinated in equal parts fresh lime or lemon juice and olive oil (or any veggie oil) plus garlic, salt and pepper. You could use 3 parts lime and 1 part oil instead. You can…
  • You are an inspiration! I saw your post at the perfect time. Funny how that happens. I just finished my first week of a lifestyle change and exercise is what I'm lacking. I did well with food overall but I know I need to get off my sedentary butt and get moving:smile: . Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    in diabetes Comment by Flodoe April 2014
  • Bump to all. I'm so impressed by all the lbs. people have lost! That's motivational in itself.
  • t'm not trying to be negative. I'm just stating the facts of my experience.
  • Terrible side effects! I just stopped taking it because I was very ill for 4 days. At one point I considered going to the ER. Severe bloating, stomach pain, constipation, and cramps. Awful! I have several friends who didn't have any problems, though.
  • Ann Arbor - but I'm a Spartan who's lived in Royal Oak, Livingston County, and Detroit