

  • As you said - the most important part is nutrition and I can't help but think that you're doing a huge service to your lovely daughters (first pic). They'll be leaping the benefits of the new you too! I'll echo someone else's post too and say that the photos don't look like the same person (not that I don't believe you!!…
  • My mum only had one and she has 2 daughters. Don't give up hope. If you're trying for a baby, it'll happen when it's supposed to!
  • From the Dead In Your Pants. Sounds repulsive but is actually quite gripping!!
  • Hello there Firstly, like everyone else, I'd like to congratulate you and thank you for being so inspirational to all of us just starting out on a diet. Secondly, I really hope you don't mind but I have printed out your before and after photo and stuck it on my fridge door as a daily reminder to myself of what I, too, can…