

  • Hi ladies I am Anna (annadent on BBC). I just had our third LO on December 5th I gained 26 lbs and have lost 30 so I can't blame baby weight. I would like to lose 76lbs. I lost 50 lbs after our 2nd two years ago while breastfeeding and kept if off until I got pregnant with number 3. My plan is better food choices and…
  • I admit I went to Mcdonalds with the LO.....I feel pretty guilty and YES I was thinking "oh my gosh I have to go back and log this stuff" Oh well it is done and surprisingly I am only over by 121 calories the lowest I have been in five days. I will not eat a cookie, I will not eat a cookie......
  • Hello Ladie I am Anna. I lost 70 lbs after I had my LO but have gained back 15 so hoping to lose the 15 and another 50lbs. Hold me to it.
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