covens04 Member


  • What are you doing for workouts? How many calories are you eating? Low-carb sometimes can be more detrimental. Be careful!
  • What are you planning to do for your workouts? I would probably start around 1600 and see how you feel for 1-2 weeks. I would also try to maintain macronutrients (prot, carbs, fat) at a 40/40/20 ratio. If you feel to sluggish during the day, then you can increase by 100-200 cals and try that out. Also, make sure to not…
  • It sounds like you have done great so far! I sent you a message to see if I could help more!
  • This is the one case in which I would follow the scale. I hate saying that because it is not always an accurate predictor of weight loss, health, or progress. So I would weigh yourself and slowly add in calories. Additional questions? What are your goals? How long have you been at 1200 cals? Message me and we can talk more…
  • You should check out this video on reverse dieting by Layne Norton. It is true that initially at a low calorie goal you will lose weight, but after a while, the body adjusts and your metabolism slows down. Then when you increase your calories people typically gain weight back at a higher level. The concept of reverse…
  • Those goals look great! And the calorie goal seems appropriate. Use your MFP to guide prot, carbs, and fat at a 40/40/20% ratio. I like the fact you made small goals for yourself! Keep it up. Let me know if I can be of more help.
  • How is p90x going? Still doing it? Hitting your goals? Keep me updated!
  • What are your goals? I would start there and write them down. I would shoot for 2000 calories and working out 5-6 days a week. Walking for 30 mins counts. Take measurements, and don't focus just on the scale. You could start with protein at 40%, carbs at 40%, and fat at 20%. Hope this helps. Send a friend request if you…
  • It might work, but 1625 calories seems too little. What are your goals: lose weight, maintain, bulk up. Figure out goals and then you can figure out calories. Just remember, a 200 pound guy needs about 2000 calories a day (rough estimate), and that's just laying in bed all day not doing anything. Throw in working out for…
  • One of the best ways I find is to sit down and plan out meals for the rest of the week. Even if you don't log them at that time, at least you are thinking ahead. The other thing that people do is to set aside one day and do a bunch of cooking for the week. The more things you log, the more you will get the hang of it. To…
  • If you have the time, look into a program, such as T25. I'm having great success with it and am in a Facebook challenge group for support. Beachbody has other programs too that are awesome and can be completed in a 30 minute window (p90x3, etc). Good luck. Let me know if we can help more!
  • The other question is are you eating enough? If you are and you are working out and eating so far under your calorie goal the body will hold onto the fat it has, and you won't see any results. Make sure you are getting enough to fuel your workouts! Good luck. Let us know if this works!
  • The key is doing whatever works, and being able to sustain it. You don't have to be perfect everyday. It's about long term goals. I would of course use MFP for logging all foods. Most people have open diaries so you can see what works good wise. The next thing is setting goals and choosing a workout plan. Choose one that…
  • Sounds like you are doing all the right things! Certainly weigh all your food and change up your workouts! What program/workouts are you currently doing? I would not eat back your calories if you can help it. I would consider, to break through the plateau, upping your calories by 100 for one week to see what happens. If…
  • I agree. P90x can be tough to start with, but it gets better. I did p90x3 and lost about 15 pounds. Now I'm doing T25 and I'm down another 10 or so at least. What are you doing for nutrition? Logging all your calories? What's your calorie goal? I would shoot for around 2000 calories a day. Make sure you get your macros…
  • Nice to meet you Corey! Keep the positive attitude and things will work out! Got a plan for how you are going to change your lifestyle?