krmcmill Member


  • It's a serious, no joke 20 minute workout. I started Monday and was super busy last night so didn't get a chance to do it, but just from the workout on Monday, I am sore all over still. I am looking forward to doing it again today. I like that Jillian isn't even in the room with you, yet I still feel like she is right…
  • I know how you feel. I was at 200 when I had my daughter and lost 20 lbs when she popped out and then about 20 lbs more just from bfeeding over the course of the year. But I got stuck at 150 and just didn't wan't to do anything. I just want to be able to fit back in my pre-baby clothes, but it was hard to do with my…
  • I had the same problem. But I searched the internet looking for a generic number and I found one! What I read was if you are of average build, and really put your all into the workout, then you will generally burn anywhere between 400-600 calories. I was putting down about 536 for an intense session of Zumba and a little…
    in ZUMBA Comment by krmcmill March 2012