Vis_Viva Member


  • Major shareholder in a company that produces toe ointment. Tries to convince everyone she knows they have smelly toes and desperately ointment.
  • Finds homes for rare and unusual animals like short-necked giraffes and silent hyenas. Good luck with the naked armadillos! They need a loving home too.
  • Someone everyone THINKS is very serious until you get to know him and he turns out to be the funniest guy in the room.
  • I believe it was taken in November. Not much change, though. I weigh the same, I might have slightly (1 or 2% tops less fat now). I took one about a week ago (same outfit and everything) that is about the same. Maybe naked you could tell.
  • When I was younger I was told I looked a lot like Boris Becker. I believe we have very different hair now though. And I suck at tennis.
  • Fingers crossed that the counseling helps. And for the record. I used to initiate 99.9% of the time over time. Now, however the calendar and the clock initiate 100% of the time. It has evolved that schedules (and a teenager who inherited my night-owl tendency) have basically dictated only certain opportunities. There are…
  • Yeah I know right? I understand all those words individually but I don't comprehend them all in a sentence together. Seriously though, I don't want to belittle what anyone is going through. I just don't think I've turned down sex (with a woman I was having that kind of relationship with) EVER.
  • Really? I kind of have to disagree that it is purely over-optimistic I HAVE found the exercise stuff to be fairly inaccurate but that it is AS likely to be underestimated as overestimated. I usually cross-reference with other sources of information. Livestrong is good for some exercise. Between that and a medical website…
  • My wife went through spans where the pounds were not numerically changing much but her body definitely was. Her clothes were fitting very differently. And ironically the opposite was happening to me. Numbers-wise I was loosing TONS of weight but it wasn't really changing the clothes as much (some but not as dramatically as…
  • ~ Twice a week. Not exactly on the same day but usually every 3 to 5 days.
  • Indulged but not splurged. I had 2 squares (yes squares not bars) of Mo's Bacon Bar's from Voges (bacon chocolate; google it, it's actually quiet good) @ 57 calories each, 4 peeps @ 28 calories each, and half of a peanut butter cup egg (1/2 being 85 calories). Just for reference my current goal of calories is 1680/day so…
  • I double majored in Physics and Astronomy in college. I spend 11 years in the main control room at Fermilab (where the Tevatron used to be) running the particle accelerators and am now an Engineering Physicist there. Most of all, however, I somehow convinced my wife to marry me and I didn't have to blackmail her or…