BeeDupuis Member


  • The health store near me says to take 3000mg of vitamin C, time released a day to help the cravings. I am also a smoker and I am planning to quit very soon. I have the patch ready, and the nircorette inhaler, and also the fake cigerette that looks like you are smoking but no nicotine just steam. And I plan on trying the…
  • FIRST NAME: Belinda (Bee) USER NAME: beedupuis GENDER: F STARTING WEIGHT (SW): 143.5 CURRENT WEIGHT (CW): 133.5 GOAL WEIGHT (GW): 125 AGE: 34 BIRTH MONTH: April GEOGRAPHICAL AREA: Ontario, Canada FAVORITE FOOD: Fries and Gravy FAVORITE ACTIVITY: Drinking wine.. err running :)
  • I like my free day :) Every Friday I weigh in, and I eat usually good the whole day, but than I do like to enjoy my wine in the evening without the guilty feeling. I belive this is a life long journey, I cannot deprieve myself of everything, but I sure can wait until Friday!