Gmthatcher Member


  • Hi all! My name is Gail and I'm a mother of 4. I served 6 years in the Marines and when I got out I let myself go. Last year I got on the scale and found that I weighed 185lbs. I got depressed thinking about the days I had been able to fit into a size 5. Over the past year and a half I've managed to lose 25lbs, so now I'm…
  • I work third shift at work... 10pm to 8:30am... So usually I'm too tired to workout after work and I always end up having to cook dinner and put the kids to bed and other things before work, so it's hard to find time to work out. Also I'm expected to switch to a normal schedual on the weekends so that throws off any kind…
  • Hi everyone I'm Gail... I just started skating as fresh meat for the Savannah Derby Devils... I haven't debuted yet, so my name is still up in the air... I grew up skating so derby was the only way to go for me... I grew up in Indiana and joined the Marines after I graduated from high school... Bounce around the country a…
  • I'm at a low level right now... I'm already doing the exercise video at home and skating, but I'm a noob and a mother of 4... Working on getting close to my pre-mommy shape and be able to kick some derby butt...