

  • Feel free to add me!! I'm 24 and I'm looking to lose about 40 or so lbs! I'm actually not on the shorter side. I'm 6'0 but at the heaviest I was at I was considered overweight for my height! I just started a couple weeks ago and so far Ive lost about 10 lbs. I have a goal of losing the extra weight I have and getting into…
  • I'm doing the challenge and I'm a little nervous because I switched shifts at work on thursday and it has thrown me off a little bit! But we will see tomorrow how I did!
  • I'm Jennifer! I'm 24 years old not married and no kids! Would like to have both one day. I'm a dispatcher at the police department in my town. I have a goal of losing the extra weight I have and tone up so I can pass the pt test and academy to become a police officer! Ive struggled with losing weight for a long time and a…