

  • Hi everyone! I'm Jenn, 25 years old (turn 26 on the 20th) and I have been with my girlfriend(24) for 3 years, living together for 1. Both of us are realizing that we are in the 20 something and settled category. We rarely go out, and if we do it's a nice dinner, a drink or two, and we are home in bed by 10. It's nice to…
  • I have one set of grandparents that I still need to come out to and I'm so stressed about it. Picking up that phone seems to be the most difficult thing to do right now :frown:
  • It is not worth the possible "treatment effects"!! I worked with a few ladies that were looking for the little pill that would help them lose the weight and all they would talk about is this orange, greasy discharge that would appear in the toilet and sometimes in their pants if they ate something with too high of fat…