

  • Hi everyone, my name is Crystal and I'm a dietcokeaholic. When I started MFP at the beginning of January, I drank a whopping 9-12 cans a day. I weaned myself down and now enjoy a diet coke about once a week. I now drink 8-12 glasses of water a day instead. I didn't necessarily notice a change one way or another in the…
  • I was reading the manual and this explains why it's incorrect "Tip: the more frequent heart rate readings are taken, the more accurate the calories burned estimate will be". I usually just check at the beginning of being on the treadmill and then maybe only every 6-7 minutes if that.
  • It is a sportline from Walmart $30--I did input my age and gender but not my weight.
  • I do intervals on the treadmill and use an HRM for 30 mins- it says I burned 483 calories. My heartrate was at 75- 80% (168-179 bpm) the majority of the time. Is it possible the HRM is incorrect? I know when I'm done, I'm drenched in sweat.
  • I am a supervisor for a worker's compensation company overseeing claims management.
  • I'm 5'0" - heaviest weight 158, starting mfp weight on 1/3/12 148.5, I am now 136.6. I eat at least 1200 calories and then eat back about 50% of my work out calories. In January, I did cardio about 5 times a week and treadmill for 20-35 minutes everyday. For February, I started 30 day shred and am continuing with the…
  • Try the bender ball method. http://www.benderball.com/ it really gives your abs a work out. The first week had my abs trembling.
    in Abs? Comment by c_gilmore February 2012
  • I am also taking acai berry supplement and have just added a cinnamon supplement that aids in sugar and fat metabolism
  • I'm starting the workout on the first. I started MFP on 1/3/11 at 148.5 lbs- I'm only 5'0"