

  • well done girl! you look beautiful, good for you­. i love that you had some great style even at the beginning! Seriously though, good job, and now you have a summer to look forward to showing off!!!!!
  • Reading through these and I'm a little jealou of all these people saying "suck it up." I am usually in so much pain, I can barely sit up straight, nevermind run. I get ridiculous lower back pain. Granted, I do have a life to live and don't have time to sit on my *kitten* for a week, so I tend to. Throw some heating pads on…
  • Hi everyone! congratulations on how far you have all come. I am in this lovely category as well. I have 15 pounds to go and i cannot wait to see a 199! Right now, I have no desire to give up or sabotage my progress at all, but I think when I get to see that number, it'll just push me that much harder. Good lucke everybody!
  • Hi guys, I have just graduated from college and am ano interior decorator and have just started my own design business. I am also a University student studying business.
  • when i have mine, i actually cant move because my back pain is usually brutal. yeah, there will not be any working out for those first 2 days lol. i just make up for it afterward.
  • My family went through this three years ago. A child in our immediate family was born under stressful circumstances. She was only a few days old when we made the decision to let her go. We were told that if we had kept her with us, that she would have survived, but that she would never live the way we would want her to,…
  • I had always been bigger and unfortunately still am but I'm getting there. I knew how I looked but just seemed to not care. I NEVER weighed myself. I would to say todays going to be the day I start..it never was. A couple months ago for whatever reason, I'm not completely sure what triggered it, I decided it was enough. I…
  • wow im so glad i read this. i felt like a jerk for weighing myself and seeing that id lost weight but still complaining about not losing inches. i am SO happy to be down 22 pounds at this point, as i do have a large goal. but i just have not had much movement in my inches and it is a big bummer to not see the loss.…
  • hey there, lucky for me i dont have facebook. but i do see people that i used to know and think the exact same thing. i think you should absolutely try to get in touch with her. if you didnt have any fight, and there is no actual reasoning for you separating, chances are, shes probably thinking the same thing as you. give…
  • love this! so as of right now, i have lost a car tire and a guinea pig. hmm
  • Hey!!! Ideally i would like to lose at least 80 pounds frommy starting weight. So far i am down 22..so im getting there slowly but surely. it is definately a long road, but i think the longer you stay dedicated,the easier it becomes. i wish everybody success and good luck. we can all do it!
  • I personally, don't do anything special. I don't see there being any point to starving yourself the night before or watching sodium or anything that you would not do every other day. If you're doing that you might lose an extra pound for that weigh in but the next day that pound comes back. I say, before you weigh in,…
  • Hey, my name`s Kelly. I`m from the Toronto area and feel your pain. I would like to offer you some support. Since we have the same basic goal of abuot 5o pounds of weight loss, i feel your paibn! I also have ridiculous back problems, but so far ive found that the exercise does not worsen it, it actually seems to loosen…