humanbeing1993 Member


  • I have the same one. I don't do eliptical but it's good to know it'll track it if I decide to do that :)
  • I have a fitbit charge 2 I find it very motivating.
  • I had gastric sleeve in 2009. I'm 5'2" and 45 years old. Highest weight was 265. Lowest weight was 176. Regained up to 225 due to job and life changes. Restarted logging and counting calories again in January of this year and am almost back to my lowest weight. I may try to drop another 5 lbs but am not sure yet.
  • You won't be seeing me, but have a great time! :)
  • Kinkster here. I can't say that BDSM is a huge motivator for losing weight to me, but it's made some aspects of my scenes easier and/or able to go longer. I'm looking for people that log on a daily(or close to daily) basis to help keep me on track too. I made it through nearly 6 months of daily logging starting in January…
  • I think that for some people, surgery IS an "easy way out". Other people need immediate help getting to where they can be active and eat in a healthy manner. Here's my story: At age 32 I weighed 265 lbs. I had tried every diet program from Jenny Craig to Weight watchers to shakes. All of them led to some weight loss, but…
  • Any of you all can add me if you'd like. I am giong to be 39 next month :)
  • I am close to tscott10, claudette37, mudpuddlegirl, wd773, and mindyhenry74 Age: 39 Height: 5’4” Highest weight: 265 This year’s starting weight: 199 Current weight: 175 Goal Weight: 150
  • This has been an issue at my house also because my g/f is allergic to milk, nuts, pitted fruits, and a variety of other things. In fact, her sensitivity is such that even a miniscule amount of milk can cause a BIG reaction. Things you don't think about (like sausage or TV dinners) frequently have milk or a milk product as…
  • Prior to weight loss surgery through Kaiser I had to take a 6 month healthy lifestyle class. We were given the option of either gastric bypass, lap band, or gastric sleeve. I had the gastric sleeve, which you haven't listed as an option, but should consider. I lost 90 lbs after surgery. I had friends that had the gastric…