andyisafatty Member


  • Name: Andy Height: 5'8 Starting Weight (3/2): 207 Goal Weight (3/30): 199 3/2: 207 3/9: 209 3/16: 3/23: 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: +2 Loss/gain for the month so far: +2 Struggles or successes of your week: Struggles: diet wise -not a great week as you can see! I've had a very, shall we say, sociable week especially the…
  • Name: Andy Height: 5'8 Starting Weight (3/2): 207 Goal Weight (3/30): 199 3/2: 207 3/9: 3/16: 3/23: 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the month so far: Struggles or successes of your week: Lots of chocolates at work with everyone saying "just have one" and coming home from work to boyfriend having bought me…