

  • What you will begin to realize is that you HAVE to make time. Then, you will gain energy and it won't be such a drag. I have a three year old and a nine month old. I am a full-time teacher. I lived 250+ miles away from anyone I know, so I don't have anyone that can watch my kids, ever. I cook dinner almost every night…
  • You don't have to use a pull up bar. I can't do a single pull up. I just use the elastic bands and get the same results. However, if you decide you want to use the pull up bar, they have some that you don't have to "install" exactly. You just put it on a door frame and it stays there from tension and the design on the bar.…
  • When you cringe just looking at the curb that you have to conquer in order to get onto the sidewalk that leads into work. Or when you feel like you're doing calf raises when your muscles are supposed to be relaxing... My co worker laughed at me the other day because with every step I either cringed or said "Ow." I'm a…
  • Good deal! I started with a goald of 1700 calories and now that I've lost about 12 pounds, it's been lowered to 1630 I believe. The biggest thing that is helping me is watching my sodium and sugar intake. They are everywhere! The trick is not to lose hope and when something doesn't work, try something else! Every body is…
  • You don't know how her body tastes.
  • I began P90X about a month ago and have lost 10 pounds. Doesn't sound like much but when you consider that for the past 4 years my scale has not budged, this is huge for me. My husband is doing it and lost about 30 pounds. I modified our nutritional plan to follow the P90 one loosely. I upped our veggie and fruit intake,…
  • I completely understand how embarassing they are. After two children, my stomach is no longer the flat, smooth beauty it used to be and let's not mention my chest area either... I would never be so shallow as to look at them as anything other than what they are: a fact of life. I remember in middle school and high school,…
  • I used the fat free HEB brand (because we are following the P90X nutrition guide). So far I've only eaten it with strawberries. I have to say, I don't like cottage cheese at all and had to force it down. I'm definitely going to try it in a protein shake though. We drink them all the time.