

  • SW - 198 Today's weigh in - 197.6 I am going to stick to my workout plan (6 days a week of various aerobic programs at home) and try to focus more on eating healthy foods. I know I overate during the Super Bowl, so now I need to make up for it by eating extra healthy! Have a great rest of the week.
  • Count me in! SW - 198 Plan - I am challenging myself to stick with the same 5 workouts all month - Mondays - weight training, Tuesdays - step aerobics, Wednesday - Pilates, Thursdays - weight training, Friday - Kickboxing and Saturday - stretch fusion program. GW - 192 I am hoping this new challenge can get things back in…
  • I do a lot of dancing videos that I really like. If you use Netflix streaming, you have acess to a lot of options. I like the 10-minute solution programs that offer 5 10-minute workouts. You can do one or them all! Good luck!
  • I started Zumba last February and it definitely sped up my weight loss.I was going to the gym 6 days a week with my neighbor and I only lost 10 pounds in 6 months. Zumba helped me take off 30 pounds in 6 months. I was taking the class 4 days a week because I actually became addicted to it. Since stopping the class due to a…
  • Thank you everybody!!! I appreciate the help. Good luck on achieving your goals!
  • I tried that and it wanted me to list all of the ingredients. I am looking more for a way to list the nutritional information provided like I could on my former weight loss site. Thanks for the help!