eellington Member


  • Count me in too! Name-eellington Current Weight : 187 Total Pounds to lose (for this challenge) : 27 Goal Weight March 31st : 174 Goal Weight April 30th: 166 Goal Weight May 31st : 160 Positive: recently started jogging/running and lost!
  • I was determined to do 30 days straight....But forgot about a 3 day trip scheduled last weekend and a 2 day music festival here in Atlanta this weekend.....SO- I am getting back on track tonight! So now I am way behind schedule!!
  • Day 1 done last night. Whew!! I always knew I couldnt do a push up (girly or non), but last night proved it! I made it through about 4! Took a 3 second breather during butt kicks and punches. Loved the chest flies - gave me a minute to lay on the floor and catch my breath!! I did my measurement and pics so hopefully there…
  • Hi! I am 35 and live in the Atlanta area- I hit my highest weight ever last November so decided I needed to slowly start to make changes - I lost- quit smoking - gained back....I have always gone up and down but told myself that I was not going to do that again! I've started a running (more like jogging) program that has…
  • I am! I too have had the video for over a year. Last month I did a 2 mile run/walk daily challenge that I never thought I would be able to stick to, but we were asked to post our daily miles. I am going to do that just for my own accountability (you don't have to)! What day are you starting? Are you doing measurements…