

  • missou, you're doing great. You're going to feel great on that cruise ship! I'm finding it hard to eat all of my calories without eating too many carbs or filling things. I'm also finding that I'm not as hungry as maybe I should be. Exercising is no problem. I'm loving it aside from the blisters that walking very fast with…
  • Sue, I feel for your daughter. i have a 15 year old myself that has had a very emotional year and her weight has really fluctuated. Unfortunately all of her friends are smaller than her and she just quits eating for a while. I always cook healthy at home, so at the very least I know that when she eats dinner, it's food…
  • Hey everyone! I've always been a stickler about cleaning my plate. I think a lot of us grew up with that eat all your food or you can't get up from the table. I've never done that to my kids, and i regret it only a little as I hate to waste food. I've learned, though that I only cook what I know we'll eat and I freeze the…
  • Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I hope to be as encouraging to everyone here also! Speaking of videos, I've got hip hop abs, and love the dance moves, but its hard to find the time to have the tv to myself,s o I live without for now. The Firm always had great exercises, and get ripped has great weight exercises.…
  • Hey everybody! missou, I love your measurements ( a little jealous of your thigh measurement, but I'll get there!) It seems you and i are very similar in size. Good news though, I've lost 4 lobs woo hoo! Finally! I don't get on the scale everyday because then I would be obsessing, and I am prone to do that. But the new…
  • Hello everyone, just thought I would check in and let you know that yay, I'm back down to where I started! (haha) Missou, you must rest your knee, no matter what. Surgery will only delay your progress and besides you will have to rest after surgery anyway. Unless you actually have a tear or something that will not repair…
  • Thanks for the encouragement. What you said is of course the truth, but the numbers can lie in certain ways if you know what I mean when you are down on yourself and you need an upper. Don't get me wrong, I live on positive thinking, I have to, but some days it can be hard. And then you get kicked just a little when you're…
  • I may not be very consistent with logging on to this post, but I will try. first, I hate the fact that I now qualify for the 40 and over category. Second, I tried this back in February, but didn't stick with it, now I am starting over. I been at it for one week logging my food and exercise, so hopefully I will get past the…
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