stygmah Member


  • I love smoothies. Unsweetened almond milk, vanilla extract, natural whey protein isolate, half a banana, tbsp chia or flax and choice of flavourings: real cocoa tbsp, oz of espresso etc. blend till smooth. google hormone diet smoothies. I sub the soy for almond milk but so yummy just the same.
  • Go ahead and add me too. I've been on here for almost 2 years. Had great success. Got pregnant, had the baby and am now starting over. :(
  • Hi there. I am. I have a 6 week old and breastfeeding exclusively, and my son is a little piglet. Cluster-feeds constantly and has since birth. Baby #2. I'd lost my weight, hit goal and got pregnant and now I'm back where I started, again. I'm 5'6 and back up around 170lbs (don't know how a 7lb 3oz baby pops out and I lose…
  • If you're dining out, yes I agree it is and it's frustrating. But it's a matter of economics I guess.The fresh food rots first and has to get sold or be tossed. The fried stuff can be in the freezer so there isn't as much waste, therefore lower sales cost. If demand was higher, I'm sure it wouldn't be the issue, but it's a…
  • Yes. In one form or another. I logged 15 years ago until I lost access to the app and gained every pound lost and more back. I hope they keep the app forever. It's what I need to remain in control.
  • I have a Bamix. It's ok. Don't believe the hype though on the nut grinder attachment -- it works, but it's only been 4 years and already it's cracking. It does make homemade mayo, low fat "ice cream" with skim milk and ice and all sorts of cool stuff, if you know how to use it. It has supposedly been around for years. Even…