Goshencooks Member


  • Blackberries. They help crave the sweet tooth too and low calorie
  • Oxy-Powder has what I believe is a 7 day cleanse. It worked pretty well for me to jump start my diet. No cramping or stomach issues.
  • I lean towards the Atkins diet but that's not really what I do. I try to leave carbs alone and I eat a lot of protein and drink a lot of water. Too much of the wrong protien can cause cholesterol problems so you have to watch the type of protein you are getting. I don't believe in the diet shakes or protein drinks because…
  • I don't use it everyday. I alternate between the shred and the treadmill so I don't get burnt out. It took me about a month to move to level 2 and then another to level 3. I prefer level 2 and that is what I use about 3 days a week. After 3 months, it's still exhausting to get through it! In the beginning I would have to…
  • I can't stand her but she is the reason I look as well as I do after 3 months. I use her 30 day shred and her six week six pack . I love the 30 day shred because it's only 20 minutes and WOW what a workout! When I finish one of her workouts I always tell my husbadn "I hate her, I think she's trying to kill me" :)
  • I like to drink on the weekends too. What I found works is watching the calories all week(eating less than what you can) and then you have extra for the weekends! I've lost about 20 lbs so far doing this. I can't not eat when I drink or the hangover will be horrific!