

  • cook it with extra water, it will expand over night in the refrigerator and absorb all the water.
  • I went vegan. It was the worst thing I ever did. Humans are made to eat meat. We are natural hunter gathers. Sure factory farming is not good. Buy grass fed then. The China Study was one of the biggest hoaxes. Eat fats. Reduce fat products only remove fats to increase carbs. Fats don't make you fat. Even whole grain…
  • ****! way to go! I went from 190 to 140 and I agree feeling fit tops a cookie any day. but every thing in moderation eyy.
  • I struggled with obsessing about my weight for so long... it actually ended up ruining my social life freshman year. Your body composition is determined over the long run. Weeks, not on a day of overindulging. If you are at a wedding, etc. Enjoy yourself! I promise you won't gain weight from a single day. If anything it'll…