bayleeboosmom Member


  • I have always done weight watchers, but I love the calorie counts and such on here (and it's FREE) I know WW like the back of my hand, it's just putting it into motion. Trying to drink more water, eat more fruits and veggies and less sugar... and exercise at LEAST 3x a week, but really would like to do more. Just have to…
  • I'm an older mom (almost 38 with a 13 year old an a soon to be ONE year old!!) Trying to lose the last of the baby weight. I've lost about 40lbs so far (counting the baby and all the extra that comes with it LOL) and have about 8 more to go to be at where I THINK I want to be. it's hard to find the time to work out with a…
  • Reese Witherspoon. When I was travelign for work one time, the lady at the hotel counter kept staring at me until i checked in... she told me she thought I was her!