

  • You guys are right! It is a fun workout but OMG I am dying! I am going to bed to recuperate and then I know tomorrow I will be in big trouble! Can't wait to ee pics from our next Tunin' Spokes at church so that I can see the difference
  • So how do you document the 30day shred in the exercise diary
  • I kind of felt the same way yesterday. I was afraid to log what I ate today for fear that it would again be over, and that I have gained back the 2lbs I have lost in the last 2 weeks
  • I'll do it with you just waiting on its arrival. I ordered it on the same day I ordered my daughter's birthday present but that item has not yet arrived.
  • First off what is an HRM, where can I get one and how much does it cost?
  • Problem with making something at home is we don't really have anything here to cook(today is payday) so I am trying to do something so my brother in law can come right home and have dinner instead of having to go to the store, etc, and then have dinner around 10pm tonight.
  • all of those are good ideas, I didn't know about the youtube exercise videos or the thing. I will look at those. I am definitely gonna buy some weights. Is 2lbs good or would it be better to have something a little higher?
  • So does anyone know if the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd is the same workout that everyone on here is discussing?
  • According to the MFP calorie count thing walking around Walmart at a leisurely pace today burned 395 calories. I'm just a tiny bit hungry as it is Midnight here and so don't wanna eat a whole meal, lol! Couldn't have said it better myself! [/quote]